Water supply system | जल आपूर्ति प्रणाली
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Q1. What is the name of valve?

Q2. What is the rectification to solve inadequate pressure in multi storey building?
Q3. Which pump have the suction pipe and pressure in the inlet side?
Q4. What is the test conducted in waste water pipe line?

Q5. Which valve is used in high pressure applications?
Q6. Which valve allows only one direction flow?
Q7. What is the advantage of sensor system used in urinal and wash basin?
Q8. Which fitting is used for closing the end of a GI pipe?
Q9. What is the name of the sanitary fitting?

Q10. Which type of tap is used in kitchen sink?
Q11. What is the name of drainage system?

Q12. Where is stop cock fitted in the pipe line?
Q13. Which dissolved impurities causes rotten egg odour?
Q14. What is the standard height from floor to the top of the sink?
Q15. What is the advantage of waterless urinals?
Q16. What is the name of the pipe fitting?

Q17. What is the name of piping system adopted in plumbing of drainage?

Q18. What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?

Q19. What is the outside diameter of 1” G.I pipe?
Q20. How the size of bib taps are designated?
Q21. Which valve is fixed in the dead ends of distribution system for washing out?
Q22. What is the name of part marked as ‘X”?

Q23. What is the repairing work sequence is given in the figure?

Q24. What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?

Q25. What is the type of water tank?

Q26. What is the name of valve?

Q27. What is the name of part marked as ʺXʺ?

Q28. Which type of fitting is used while laying pipes for service connection?
Q29. What is the part marked as ‘X’ in water tap?

Q30. Which pipe line is connected to storm water sewer in the layout of drainage system?

Q31. What is the another name for water tap?
Q32. What is the remedy to rectify the leakage of water in stuffing box?

Q33. Which is used in a cast iron bell and spigot joint?
Q34. What is the name of part marked as ʺXʺ?
Q35. What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?

Q36. Which controls the unauthorised connection in pipe line?
Q37. Where the air relief valve is fixed in the pipe line?
Q38. What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?

Q39. What is the name of drainage system?

Q40. What is the name of sanitary fitting?

Q41. What is the name of valve?

Q42. Which dissolved impurities cause mottled enamel of teeth in contaminated well water?
Q43. Which valve allows unobstructed flow?
Q44. What is the instrument to find out the quantity of flow through pipe line?
Q45. What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?

Q46. What is the test to check the straightness of sewer pipe by placing a lamp at its one end and other end by reflection of the light?
Q47. What is the packing material used in the stuffing box?
Q48. Which type of washer to be used in hot water tap?
Q49. What is the pipe appurtenance?

Q50. What is the name of part marked ‘X’?

Plumber 1st Year Module 8 Water supply system
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