Tank installation and Maintenance | टैंक की स्थापना और रखरखाव
START QUIZ पर क्लिक करें और अपना Test पूरा करें
Q1.What for chilling carried after bending in pipe?
Q2. What is the type of leak test equipment in pipes?

Q3. Why dry sand is filled before bending the pipe by hot bending method?
Q4. What is the name of water heater?

Q5. What is the diameter of the fire hose nozzle?
Q6. What is the symbol?

Q7. What is template in pipe bending?
Q8. What is the procedure to prevent crushing or bulging of pipe while hot bending?
Q9. How much internal pressure can withstand in a brass pillar tap?
Q10. What is the type of heating system?

Q11. What is the name of pipe special fitting?

Q12. What is the part marked as ‘X’?

Q13. What is the symbol?

Q14. What is the name of symbol?
Q15, How many numbers of 4” PVC Tee’s required?
Q16. Which type of fire hydrant is installed in U.G chamber?
Q17. Which type of piping system uses one main vertical pipe through branch pipes for carrying night soil as well as sullage?
Q18. What is the reason for increased leakage in water supply system?
Q19. Which instrument used to measure temperature of red hot metals up to 3000°C?
Q20. What is the IS code of practice for installation of septic tank?
Q21. What is the symbol?

Q22. What is the IS code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation?
Q23. What is the part marked as ‘X’?

Q24. Which sanitary fitting prevents the passage of foul gases from the pipes to the outside?
Q25. What is the name of symbol?
Q26. What does the plumbing symbol indicates?

Q27. What is the estimated length of 4” PVC pipe?

Q28. Which is device used for tapping water from mains for fire fighting?
Q29. What is the cause for leakage in pipe line?
Q30. Which is used to magnify the noise to locate the leakage in pipe?
Q31. What is the normal pressure head in the nozzle of the fire hose?
Q32. What is the name of symbol?

Q33. What is the size of smaller drain pipes for kitchen sink?
Q34. What is the type of heating system?

Q35. How to repair damaged PVC pipe?
Q36. What is filling in pipe bending?
Q37. What is the reason for water flow from the over flow the pipe of the cistern?
Q38. What is the name of tool?

Q39. What is the name of part marked ‘X’ in vent terminology?

Q40. What is the remedy to remove accumulated air from water line?
Q41. What is the name of part marked as ʺXʺ?

Q42. Which tap is preferable while hot and cold water supply is available?
Q43. How airlock in a pump can be removed?
Q44. How many number of 4”Elbows required?

Q45. What is the name of part marked as ʺXʺ?

Q46. How much is distance between fire hydrants provided along the roads?
Q47. How much a barrel of pillar hydrant is projected above the ground surface?
Q48. Which causes the corrosion in iron with hardness in water and red colour?
Q49. Which is the water tap used in wash basin?
Q50. What is the name of sewer section?

Plumber 1st Year Module 9 Tank installation and Maintenance
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