Tuesday, February 18, 2025

ITI Exam

आईटीआई परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी

Machinist 2nd Year Module

Productivity concepts | उत्पादकता अवधारणाएँ

START QUIZ पर क्लिक करें और अपना Test पूरा करें

Q1. What is the time during which equipment is out of action because of faults?
Q2. How to calculate time for milling operation?
Q3. What is the known as all the expenditures other than direct material and direct labour cost?
Q4. What is the time called from start to end of machining a job?
Q5. How to correct the sizing variation of the job due to wear of tool?
Q6. How to executive after entering the wear offset in wear offset page ?
Q7. What is graphical representation of activities from raw material to the finished product?
Q8. Which one is machine cycle time?
Q9. What is the use of maintenance records?
Q10. What is the total cost if material cost is Rs.25,000 labour cost is Rs.63,000 and overheads Rs.20,000?
Q11. What is called auto cycle time?
Q12. Which formula is used to calculate the turning time?
Q13. What is the expansion of CCW?
Q14. What is abbreviation of IPM?
Q15. What is the estimation of labour cost for making inside square of 30 x 30 Mm if making charge Rs.50 / Cm²?
Q16. Which expense is known as right from the receipt of the work order till completed and ready for dispatch?
Q17. Which department keeps the machines and equipments in good operating condition?
Q18. Which expenses can be charged indirectly to a particular product manufactured?
Q19. What is defined as determining the probable cost of the product before start of its manufacture?
Q20. Which one is total cost?
Q21. What is the purpose of preventive maintenance?
Q22. What is the estimation of milling cost of a rectangular block size 100 x 80 x 60 mm if cost of the milling is Rs.2 /Sq.?
Q23. How to transfer the program electronically in to the CNC machine?
Q24. How does periodic inspection of the machines and equipment’s is carried out in preventive maintenance?
Q25. Which letter is indicate the tool wear offset value?
Machinist 2nd Year Module 10 Productivity concepts
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