Tuesday, January 14, 2025

ITI Exam

आईटीआई परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी

ITI CBT Exam Paper

ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper 2

Q1. What is the name of the tooth rest blade in tool and cutter grinder?
Q2. What is the type of gear?
Q3. What is X-axis movement in VMC?
Q4. What is abbreviation of IPM?
Q5. How to check the correctness of the home position is in doubt in CNC machine?
Q6. Which formula is used to determine the angle of swivel of the table to cut helical grooves on workpiece?
Q7. What is the shape of tool insert for letter ʹLʹ?
Q8. Which mode is used to enter part program?
Q9. What vis the formula used for linear pitch of rack?
Q10. Where the wear offset value entered in CNC?
Q11. What is ratio of taper pin hand reamer?
Q12. How much maximum feed range available on CNC machine?
Q13. Which motor is used for table movement on CNC milling?
Q14. Which one of the following code is suitable for spindle rotation in clock wise direction?
Q15. Which mode is to check the movement of tool without work piece?
Q16. What is the movement marked as X?
Q17. What is the symbol used for to check the flatness?
Q18. What is meaning of PMC in alarm list?
Q19. What is the angular setting limit of an angular sine vice used in tool and cutter grinder?
Q20. Which formula is used to calculate the turning time?
Q21. Which attachment is used for precision grinding of angular parts?
Q22. What is the formula to find pitch diameter in bevel gear?
Q23. Which part of vertical milling that can be used for lift the knee?
Q24. What is the angle ʹXʹ shown in the figure?
Q25. How to executive after entering the wear offset in wear offset page ?
Q26. Which one of the program block may suitable to move the cutting tool ʹxʹ axis 42.0 ʹzʹ axis 0.0 with the feed of 0.1 mm?
Q27. What is the angle marked as X?
Q28. What is the name of the milling cutter?
Q29. What is canned cycle?
Q30. What is ʹQʹ in G87 X_Y_R_Z_Q_F_ in FANUC system?
Q31. What is the angle marked as X?
Q32. Which part is used to prevent access into CNC milling?
Q33. How master gears should preferably made in order to check the errors in gear?
Q34. What is the total cost if material cost is Rs.25,000 labour cost is Rs.63,000 and overheads Rs.20,000?
Q35. Which mode is used to edit the program?
Q36. What is expressed as
Q37. Which property refers to a combination of wettability, surface tension and slipperiness?
Q38. What is the estimation of milling cost of a rectangular block size 100 x 80 x 60 mm if cost of the milling is Rs.2 /Sq.?
Q39.Calculate the pitch diameter of worm wheel having module 2 mm and number of teeth is 40.
Q40. Why failure occurs in bearing?
Q41. What is marked as ʹXʹ in the given figure?
Q42. What is the curve marked as X?
Q43. Which material is used to make the base of tool and cutter grinding machine?
Q44. Calculate the real module in helical gear the pitch diameter (PD) is 100 mm and number of teeth 19.
Q45. What is known as an actual cost of a component after adding all different expenses?
Q46. What is the G-code for tapping cycle in FANUC system?
Q47. What is the use of maintenance records?
Q48. What is the square followed to ʺswitch ON ʺ the CNC after power failure?
Q49. Why any manual interference causing to stop n absolute co-ordinate system does not affect any other dimensions?
Q50. What is the operation?
Machinist 2nd Year cbt exam paper 2
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