Tuesday, March 11, 2025

ITI Exam

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ITI CBT Exam Paper

ITI Employability skills 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper 3

Q1. Work place etiquette is _______
Q2. If you want to give people relevant information about you and your business in an easy way, you will ______
Q3. Create a digital CV and share it with a QR code is _________
Q4. Role models _________ people to follow them
Q5. __________ are a great way for gig workers to find jobs.
Q6. A wireless technology that connects a laptop to the internet is called _______.
Q7. __________ is a list of your qualifications, your skills and work experience.
Q8. There are many dos and don’ts to be --------while preparing for/ attending an __________
Q9. Rainwater harvesting ------------- to prevent water scarcity
Q10. What is the standard way in which computers connected wireless?
Q11. When you borrow a pen from your classmate, you should say?
Q12. Miscommunication can lead to ________
Q13. The Principal called Manoj. The Principal asked ______ to show ______hall ticket for the CTS Examination.
Q14. Working hard to achieve your goals and not giving up when you face failure is called _______
Q15. ________ is a time when you, your family, and your teacher meet and interact to understand and support each other better
Q16. A person can get promotions based on his _______ and _________
Q17. What will keep evolving there by making jobs undergo changes?
Q18. Which one is the input device among the options?
Q19. Which is the most important document required by companies to select people for job?
Q20. Alexa, Cortana, Einstein, Google, Siri and Watson are in the category of _______
Q21. Good practice for green mind set is _________
Q22. Ways in which you can improve your technology Skills?
Q23. A secure Wi-Fi is one ______
Q24. Table, wire, socket, cable, hammer, nail are ______
Q25. Full form of GPS is _______
Q26. Complete these sentence with suitable describing words The roads in my town are in ________ condition.
Q27. What is the process of formally introducing oneself called?
Q28. ___________ is a code of behaviour that is based on respect, values and professionalism.
Q29. Future Skill for work places, which has less importance?
Q30. What is full form of GST?
Q31. Which one is a social networking site?
Q32. Which among the following is not an Online payment application?
Q33. Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a factory in the area. The air is ________.
Q34. For career growth and _________ we need to build ______
Q35. When you start a discussion on a topic, what do you say?
Q36. learning a new skill to do fundamentally the same nature of task is called _______
Q37. Anitha started an Instagram page for her craft business. She used _________ marketing strategy.
Q38. The process of learning a completely new skill is called ______
Q39. ʺGigʺ economy is ______
Q40. Magnificent, sharp, lengthy, bright, - are examples of ______
Q41. Which one is a key skill to be used for a Market survey?
Q42. Important factors to think about before migrating _______
Q43. An illegal activity committed on the internet is called ___________
Q44. Fill up the blanks with suitable words so as to become a meaningful sentence ʺTell us about a difficult situation you have ____ and how you ____ to come out of it.ʺ
Q45. What are 3 important elements to remember while doing a survey?
Q46. The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data is called _______
Q47. Which of the following is not a resource?
Q48. Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is water scarcity in the locality. The area is ________.
Q49. What is required for effective communication?
Q50. What is stress?
ITI Employability skills 2 nd Year CBT Exam Paper 3
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