Monday, February 17, 2025

ITI Exam

आईटीआई परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी

ITI CBT Exam Paper

ITI Employability skills 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper 2

Q1. On completion of your ITI training what is the first step to get a job _______
Q2. Separating paper and plastic from bio waste before throwing them away is ________
Q3. What are 3 important elements to remember while doing a survey?
Q4. If you want to give people relevant information about you and your business in an easy way, you will ______
Q5. There are many dos and don’ts to be --------while preparing for/ attending an __________
Q6. __________ is a list of your qualifications, your skills and work experience.
Q7. Migration of work means _______
Q8. One important rule to network effectively is ______
Q9. Full form of GPS is _______
Q10. Which among the following is not an Online payment application?
Q11. What is the process of formally introducing oneself called?
Q12. The ability to wait and stay calm ______
Q13. Which one is essentially required to receive communication by Email?
Q14. Shortcut keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+S mean _______
Q15. The word ʹresumeʹ comes from French and means ________
Q16. Which app is a widely used for screen casting from your mobile phone?
Q17. The Principal called Manoj. The Principal asked ______ to show ______hall ticket for the CTS Examination.
Q18. ______________is a file storage and synchronization service of cloud computing developed by Google.
Q19. What describes ʺHuman Resourcesʺ in a furniture manufacturing company?
Q20. ____________ are at the centre of any business.
Q21. What is full form of GST?
Q22. Which one is the input device among the options?
Q23. Future Skill for work places, which has less importance?
Q24. What is the basic requirement for IT related work?
Q25. What is required for your career growth and sustainability?
Q26. The conditions in a place that affect the behaviour and development of somebody or something is called __________
Q27. Alexa, Cortana, Einstein, Google, Siri and Watson are in the category of _______
Q28. ________ is always doing our work with dedication with our best.
Q29. ʺGigʺ economy is ______
Q30.Ways in which you can improve your technology Skills?
Q31. _____ skills, such as commitment, reliability, adaptability and flexibility
Q32. Hi, how are you, whats up, these are examples of _______
Q33.A wireless technology that connects a laptop to the internet is called _______.
Q34. Punctuality means _______
Q35. Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a factory in the area. The air is ________.
Q36. Making a good choice means ________
Q37. What is called a media presentation shared over the Internet?
Q38._______ is influenced by rapid change in technology
Q39. Which one is a key skill to be used for a Market survey?
Q40. A secure Wi-Fi is one ______
Q41. In an email, where will you add the recipient email address whom you want to send the copy of an email?
Q42. For applying a job your first preparation is ______
Q43. Curriculum Vitae is also known as _______
Q44. What is the standard way in which computers connected wireless?
Q45. What is required to get the feed back of your customers?
Q46. A resume should be _______
Q47. _______ is when a group of people work together to finish something.
Q48. What will keep evolving there by making jobs undergo changes?
Q49. An illegal activity committed on the internet is called ___________
Q50. Important factors of a good resume need to be checked are _____________
ITI Employability skills 2 nd Year CBT Exam Paper 2
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