Monday, February 17, 2025

ITI Exam

आईटीआई परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी

ITI CBT Exam Paper

ITI Employability skills 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper 1

Q1.Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact are examples of _______
Q2. The conversion of computer data from one format to another is called ______
Q3. _______ is influenced by rapid change in technology
Q4. _________ registration would help to access the schemes introduced by the Government.
Q5. The ability to connect well with people _______
Q6. When you borrow a pen from your classmate, you should say?
Q7. A person’s natural ability to do something is called ______
Q8. Complete the sentence with suitable describing words The transportation to some rural areas is difficult as the roads are_________
Q9. Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a _________ garden with lovely flowers.
Q10. Ways in which you can improve your technology Skills?
Q11. Magnificent, sharp, lengthy, bright, - are examples of ______
Q12. The first version of a product/service is called _______
Q13. What is required for your career growth and sustainability?
Q14. What is stress?
Q15. Important factors to think about before migrating _______
Q16. Campus recruitment is conducted at ______
Q17. Which one is the input device among the options?
Q18. Hi, how are you, whats up, these are examples of _______
Q19. A person can get promotions based on his _______ and _________
Q20. Which wireless technology standard used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distance?
Q21. Which is the most important document required by companies to select people for job?
Q22. Comma, full stop, question mark are examples of _______
Q23. Separating paper and plastic from bio waste before throwing them away is ________
Q24. ________ is a time when you, your family, and your teacher meet and interact to understand and support each other better.
Q25. If you want to give people relevant information about you and your business in an easy way, you will ______
Q26. What is the process of formally introducing oneself called?
Q27. In an email, where will you add the recipient email address whom you want to send the copy of an email?
Q28. The ability to wait and stay calm ______
Q29. Which is NOT an Entrepreneurial mind set?
Q30. ʺGigʺ economy is ______
Q31. Which is the most essential skill to get a job?
Q32. A computer system consists of __________
Q33. Migration of work means _______
Q34.Which one is a social networking site?
Q35. Curriculum Vitae is also known as _______
Q36. Taking decisions on your own, after carefully thinking about them is the quality of _______
Q37. Which is NOT an act of Entrepreneurship?
Q38. Which among the following is not an Online payment application?
Q39. Table, wire, socket, cable, hammer, nail are ______
Q40. What is required to get the feed back of your customers?
Q41. What will keep evolving there by making jobs undergo changes?
Q42. Shortcut keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+S mean _______
Q43. Miscommunication can lead to ________
Q44. The Principal called Manoj. The Principal asked ______ to show ______hall ticket for the CTS Examination.
Q45. What is called a media presentation shared over the Internet?
Q46. The conditions in a place that affect the behaviour and development of somebody or something is called __________
Q47. Which among the following is s self- employment idea?
Q48. What are 3 important elements to remember while doing a survey?
Q49. Which one is NOT a source to raise funds to start business?
Q50. Full form of GPS is _______
ITI Employability skills 2nd Year CBT Exam Paper
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