Plumber 1st Year Module

Piping system | पाइपिंग सिस्टम

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Q1. Which tool is used to fill the lead in Cl collar joint?
Q2. What is the use of Hatchet type soldering iron?
Q3. What material is used to manufacture AC pipes?
Q4. Which pipe fitting is used to connect two pipes of different diameters at an angle of 90°?
Q5. What is the use of NP1 hummed pipes?
Q6. Which joint is used in temporary pipe lines?
Q7. Which pipe has the property of brittleness?
Q8. What is the name of joint?
Q9. Why sewer pipes are not usually laid directly on the soil in the trenches?
Q10. Which makes the expansion joint water tight?
Q11. What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?
Q12. Which type of flux is used for soldering steel sheets?
Q13. What is the advantage of flux?
Q14. What are the metallic elements of solder?
Q15. What is the movement of socket end in an expansion joint while the pipe expands?
Q16. Which type of joints are used for the pipes subjected to severe changes in temperature?
Q17. Identify the type of pipe bedding given below.
Q18. Which pipe is banned in many countries due to health ground?
Q19. What is the advantage of concrete pipes?
Q20. What is the type of pipe bedding shown below?
Q21. What is the name of pipe fitting?
Q22. What is the test pressure of P1 class hummed pipes?
Q23. What type of joint is made in cast iron pipe?
Q24. Which type of pipe cannot be laid in exposed conditions?
Q25. Which type of joint is to be avoided to bear vibration or deflection of pipes?
Plumber 1st Year Module 5 Piping system
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