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ITI Exam

आईटीआई परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी

ITI CBT Exam Paper

ITI Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioner (MRAC) 1st Year CBT Exam Practice Paper 3

Q1. What is the cause of window A/C not performing while discharge pressure is correct? / डिस्चार्ज प्रेशर सही होने पर भी विंडो ए/सी के काम न करने का क्या कारण है?
Q2. Which group the acetylene gas belongs?
Q3. Which power supply has the fixed polarity?
Q4. What are the active components used in electronic circuits?
Q5. What is the use of the tool in domestic refrigeration system?
Q6. Why the top of dome is hot in a scroll compressor? / स्क्रॉल कंप्रेसर में डोम का शीर्ष गर्म क्यों है?
Q7. What is the name of joint between pieces located at right angle to each other?
Q8. Which valve is used in scroll compressor? / स्क्रॉल कम्प्रेसर में किस वाल्व का उपयोग किया जाता है?
Q9. What is the resistance level of start winding in a refrigerator’s compressor motor compared to run winding?
Q10. What is the equipment used in RAC system service?
Q11. What is the reason to keep natural ice in insulated box? / प्राकृतिक बर्फ को इंसुलेटेड बॉक्स में रखने का क्या कारण है?
Q12. What is the purpose of calorimeter? / कैलोरीमीटर का उद्देश्य क्या है?
Q13. Which operation is in progress?
Q14. Why system earthing is different in utilization than equipment earthing? / सिस्टम अर्थिंग उपयोग में उपकरण अर्थिंग से भिन्न क्यों है?
Q15. What is the result if discharge reed is broken in open type compressor? / यदि ओपन टाइप कंप्रेसर में डिस्चार्ज रीड टूट जाता है तो परिणाम क्या होगा?
Q16. Which meter indicates the true power directly in an electrical circuit?
Q17. Which device protects the compressor motor from drawing more current?
Q18. What is the name of part marked as X in rotary compressor?
Q19. What size pipe required for unit size 24,000 (Btu/Hr) A/C system? / यूनिट आकार 24,000(Btu/Hr) A/C सिस्टम के लिए किस आकार के पाइप की आवश्यकता है?
Q20. What is the name of the part marked ʹXʹ in the figure? / चित्र में ʹXʹ अंकित भाग का नाम क्या है?
Q21. What is the name of the tool used for bending sheet metal?
Q22. What is the symbol used for AC power supply? / AC विद्युत आपूर्ति के लिए प्रयुक्त प्रतीक क्या है?
Q23. What is the physical state of refrigerant at the outlet of condenser in vapour compression cycle?
Q24. What is the cause retrofit R-12 system with R -134a chocked after few hours running? / कुछ घंटों के चलने के बाद R-134a के साथ रेट्रोफिट R-12 सिस्टम बंद हो जाने का क्या कारण है?
Q25. What is the name of part marked asʺXʺ? / ʺXʺ के रूप में चिह्नित भाग का नाम क्या है?
Q26. How many speed selection is used with indoor air blower in ductable multi split AC?
Q27. What is the value of resistance as per colour codes?
Q28. ). What does the number 4 of R 134a indicate?
Q29. What is the part marked as X in vapour compression system?
Q30. What is the category of R 502 refrigerant?
Q31. Which component controls the thermostat and defrost heater in frost free refrigerator?
Q32. How the cooling effect is measure in units? / शीतलन प्रभाव को इकाइयों में कैसे मापा जाता है?
Q33. What is the precautionary measure taken if flame snaps out and back fires? / क्या सावधानी बरती जाए जब फ्लेम जलती है और उसकी आग भड़कती है?
Q34. What is the temperature set in thermostat that stops the compressor motor?
Q35. What is the effect of increased discharge pressure in vapour Compression system? / वाष्प संपीड़न प्रणाली में बढ़े हुए डिस्चार्ज दबाव का क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है?
Q36. Which law is related to the constant PV at constant T?
Q37. What is the name of part marked as X used as secondary heat transfer surface?
Q38. Which type of diode is used for communication circuits?
Q39. Which insulating material is used in duct work?
Q40. Which component is connected in series with bimetal thermo in a frost free refrigerator?
Q41. Which operation is in progress by snips?
Q42. Which device will protect the motor coil against burn out? / कौन सा डिवाइस मोटर कॉइल को जलने से बचाएगा?
Q43. What is the fault in compressor motor if there is electrical continuity between the dome and motor terminal? / डोम और मोटर टर्मिनल के बीच विद्युत निरंतरता होने पर कंप्रेसर मोटर में क्या दोष आता है?
Q44. What is the test pressure of cooling coils during manufacture?
Q45. Which part belongs to scroll compressor? / स्क्रॉल कम्प्रेसर का कौन सा भाग है?
Q46. What is the flame temperature range of oxy acetylene gas flame?
Q47. What is the use of suction baffle in a scroll compressor?
Q48. What is the purpose of accumulator in a refrigerator?
Q49, What is the part marked as X in vapour compression system?
Q50. What movement is seen in double acting piston of swash plate compressor? / स्वैश प्लेट कम्प्रेसर के डबल एक्टिंग पिस्टन में क्या मूवमेंट देखी जाती है?
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician 1st Year Cbt Exam Paper 3
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