ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper 5
ITI Exam की बेहतर तैयारी के लिये मशीनिस्ट ट्रेड का ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper तैयार किया गया है जिसमे आपको 50 प्रश्न दिए जायेंगे और ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper New NIMI Pattern पर आधारित है। ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper मे जो प्रश्न दिये गये है वह हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनो भाषाओ में है।
ITI Machinist Trade के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नो का ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper देने के लिये नीचे दिये गये ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper पर क्लिक करें। उसके बाद Start Quiz पर क्लिक करें।
Q1. What should be the safety precaution for holding the work piece to the lathe chuck?
Q2. What is the indication of ʹMʹ?

Q3. What is defined as determining the probable cost of the product before start of its manufacture?
Q4. What is the total cost if material cost is Rs.25,000 labour cost is Rs.63,000 and overheads Rs.20,000?
Q5. Which gear is used automobile drives?
Q6. Where the work co ordinate values can be input in CNC lathe?
Q7. What formula is applied for calculate the pitch diameter of a spur gear tooth?
Q8. How master gears should preferably made in order to check the errors in gear?
Q9. Which attachment is used for precision grinding of angular parts?
Q10. Which mode we can input the program command manually?
Q11. What is abbreviation of CAPP?
Q12. What is the meaning of open loop and closed loop?
Q13. Calculate the ʺLead of wormʺ its module is 2 mm and single start.
Q14. What is expressed as

Q15. How to rectify in effective distribution of lubricant in machine parts?
Q16. What is the function of rack gear?
Q17. What types of gear is in automotive differential gear boxes?
Q18. How carriage moved on the lathe bed?
Q19. What is the use of telescopic gauge?
Q20. What is the maximum helix angle determined in helical gear?
Q21. What is the name of machine system?

Q22. What is the advantage of CNC machine?
Q23. What is the purpose of using lubricant?
Q24. What is the safety sign?

Q25. What is used for testing straightness of bed in machine tool?
Q26. Which one is an advantage of VMC machine?
Q27. When will you take wear offset in CNC machine?
Q28. What is the type of gauge?

Q29. How many degree is possible to swive on the vertical head of a vertical milling?
Q30. Which control is used in VMC to perform drilling operation?
Q31. Which machine the spindle can be moved up an down?
Q32. Which type of reamer is having one shank with several changeable sizes of reamer?
Q33. What is ʹFʹ in ʺG84 X_Y_Z_R_F_?
Q34. Where the wear offset value entered in CNC?
Q35. What is the property of lubricant to withstand pressure and remain on bearing surface?
Q36. What is the part X?

Q37. What is the G-code for tapping cycle in FANUC system?
Q38. What is name of control system?

Q39. What is marked as X?

Q40. Which switch is used to stop the machine suddenly?
Q41. What is ʹTʹ in ISO standard for specifying tool insert TNMG12048?
Q42. How followers are classified in cam?
Q43. Which method is suitable for worm wheel machining?
Q44. Which one is backbone of manufacturing?
Q45. What is collison in CNC machine?
Q46. Which offset is used to adjust the dimension of the component due to tool wear involve?
Q47. What is the purpose of emergency switch in CNC?
Q48. What is the ʺMʺ code for sub program end in FANUC system?
Q49. What is the substance having an oily property?
Q50. What is marked ʺXʺ in figure?

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