ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper 4
ITI Exam की बेहतर तैयारी के लिये मशीनिस्ट ट्रेड का ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper तैयार किया गया है जिसमे आपको 50 प्रश्न दिए जायेंगे और ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper New NIMI Pattern पर आधारित है। ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper मे जो प्रश्न दिये गये है वह हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनो भाषाओ में है।
ITI Machinist Trade के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नो का ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper देने के लिये नीचे दिये गये ITI Machinist 2nd Year CBT Exam Practice Paper पर क्लिक करें। उसके बाद Start Quiz पर क्लिक करें।
Q1. What is ʺDʺ in cutting speed (πDN / 1000) for milling operation in VMC?
Q2. Which effect is also called as zero effect?
Q3. Where to enter the tool length value in VMC?
Q4. Calculate the pitch diameter of worm wheel having module 2 mm and number of teeth is 40.
Q5. What is the benefits of TPM?
Q6. Which one is called the total overhead cost insure for running a machine for an hour?
Q7. What is marked as X?

Q8. Which axis is used to represent the spindle of VMC?
Q9. What type of cutter holding device is generally used on vertical miling machine?
Q10. Which mode is adopted for block by block execution of a CNC programme?
Q11. What is the name of cutter?
Q12. What is called the reduction in value and efficiency of the plant and machineries?
Q13. What is the target of TPM?
Q14. Which mode is to check the movement of tool without work piece?
Q15. What is the system of finding the faults in any machine and also removal of faults?
Q16. What is used to test the flatness of lathe bed?
Q17. How to transfer the program electronically in to the CNC machine?
Q18. Which is pressed to stop temporarily during auto mode operation?
Q19. What is the use of thread ring gauge?
Q20. What is the formula to calculate pitch diameter of worm wheel?

Q21. What is the name of micrometer?

Q22. How to correct the sizing variation of the job due to wear of tool?
Q23. Which mode, the cutting tool returns back to its home position?
Q24. What is the tool path shown in the figure?

Q25. What is wear offset?
Q26. What is abbreviation of IPM?
Q27.What is the role of G-words in part programming function?
Q28. What is the program of TPM?
Q29. Which is the property of lubricant that gives off vapour at lowest temperature on heating?
Q30. What is ʺG54ʺ in FANUC VMC?
Q31. What is the purpose of emergency switch in CNC?
Q32. How to check the part program by executing it without any axis motion in VMC?
Q33. What is the name of the reamer used with several sizes of reamers in with one shank?
Q34. What is pressed to recover axis over travel?
Q35. Which type of indexing is used to cut the helical gear?
Q36. How many types of offsets used in CNC?
Q37. What is the property of lubricant to withstand pressure and remain on bearing surface?
Q38. Which record is provided with operation sequence of a component?
Q39. What is the full form of TPM?
Q40. Which gear has the advantage of smooth operation high speed range and more torque transmission?
Q41. Which attachment is designed for holding work to any desired compound angle?
Q42. Which method is suitable for worm wheel machining?
Q43. What is the part marked as X?

Q44. Which letter indicates the full length offset in given block? G91 G43 G00 Z - 15.0 H01
Q45. Which knob is used to stop the machine suddenly?
Q46. What is ʹFʹ in ʺG84 X_Y_Z_R_F_?
Q47. What is the name of the machine?

Q48. Which motor is used for table movement on CNC milling?
Q49. What is the element marked as X?

Q50. Why lubrication of machines should be carried out systematically at regular intervals?
Machinist 2nd Year cbt exam paper 4
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