Saturday, February 22, 2025

ITI Exam

आईटीआई परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी

ITI Online Mock Test

ITI Employability Skills 1st Year Mock Test

ITI Employability skills 1st Year Mock Test 18

1 / 15

Q1. English is a ________ language.

2 / 15

Q2. Using the Internet is easy if we learn _________ .

3 / 15

Q3. We can learn English by __________ .

4 / 15

Q4. Tom tries to read the name boards advertisements and posters that are in English. This helps him to _________ .

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Q5. When people from different states/ countries meet officially ______ is the commonly used language to communicate with each other.

6 / 15

Q6. Words that are used to name people places animals and things are _______.

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Q7. Naming words are also called _________ .

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Q8. Bats fly during the night. In this sentence the word Bat is ______.

9 / 15

Q9. . Ram was asked to measure his cupboard . It was 4 feet tall. Here feet mean ____ .

10 / 15

Q10. John was travelling by bus to his village. He noted the names of places that he could see on his journey. What are these words called as?

11 / 15

Q11. Cats is an example of _______ word.

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Q12. . Singular naming words are used when ______ person place or thing is present.

13 / 15

Q13. Plural form of child is ____.

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Q14. A child was working in the computer lab which had many computers. The word computers is in the form _____.

15 / 15

Q15. Vinay visited the dentist because he was suffering from tooth ache. Dentist treats our teeth problems.\n In this sentence which is the plural word?

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