Machinist 1st Year Module

Interchangeability | विनिमेयता

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Q1. What is the effect while measuring if ratchet stop is not provided on micrometer?
Q2. Report 2). What is the definition of ‘tolerance’ in BIS system?
Q3. What is dial test indicator?
Q4. What is a vernier caliper?
Q5. How many fundamental deviation are in BIS system?
Q6. Which is an integrated part of beam of a vernier caliper?
Q7. What is marked as X in dial test Indicator?
Q8. What is an advantage of mass production?
Q9. What is marked as ʹXʹ?
Q10. What is the disadvantage of mass production?
Q11. Why the extreme care should be taken while handling vernier caliper?
Q12., Which term used to indicate external dimension of a component in BIS system of limits & fits?
Q13. What is term ‘Basic size’ indicate?
Q14. How to indicate fundamental deviation of hole in BIS system?
Q15. What mechanism is used to convert linear motion of plunger to rotary motion of pointer in D.T.I?
Q16. How much distance is moved by the spindle of micrometer in one rotation?
Q17. What is the function of ratchet stop in a micro meter?
Q18. Which system of limits and fits are followed in our country?
Q19. What is the formula for finding maximum limit size in BIS system?
Q20. Calculate the maximum interference in given drawing.
Machinist 1st Year Module 3 Interchangeability
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