Wednesday, March 12, 2025

ITI Exam

आईटीआई परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी

Machinist 2nd Year Module

Co-Ordinates and Cutting parameters of VMC | वीएमसी के समन्वय और कटिंग पैरामीटर

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Q1. What is ʺG40ʺ in program?
Q2. What is the basis of incremental co-ordinate system?
Q3. What is ʺG76ʺ code for system?
Q4. How sub program is identified in numeric system?
Q5. What is expressed as
Q6. Which one given in the figure is having negative rake angle?
Q7. What is the formula to calculate ʺfeed per minuteʺ for milling operation in VMC?
Q8. What is ʺG90ʺ in VMC?
Q9. What is ʺG04ʺ command?
Q10. What is expressed as meter/minute?
Q11. Which axis the spindle moves on vertical machining centers?
Q12. What is marked ʹXʹ in the given figure?
Q13. What is ʹDʹ in
Q14. What is ʹQʹ in G87 X_Y_R_Z_Q_F_ in FANUC system?
Q15. What is smallest unit in program?
Q16. How many minimum axis are provided in machining centers?
Q17. What is the ʺMʺ code for sub program end in FANUC system?
Q18. What is the movement marked as X?
Q19. What is ʺGʺ code for incremental system?
Q20. What is the name of the end mill cutter shown in figure?
Q21. Why zero rake is given for milling cutter while machining cast iron and brass?
Q22. How the minimum three axes are named axis convention of CNC machines?
Q23. What is marked as X?
Q24. What do you mean by M03S600 in the part program?
Q25. What is the activity of code M06 based on FANUC CNC control system?
Machinist 2nd Year Module 7 Co-Ordinates and Cutting parameters of VMC
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