Basic Refrigeration | बेसिक रेफ्रिजरेशन
START QUIZ पर क्लिक करें और अपना Test पूरा करें
Q1. What is the part marked as X in flaring set?

Q2. Which method is used to connect the swaged joint in copper tubes?
Q3. What is the part marked as X in tube cutter?

Q4. Which two components do the compressor function in vapour absorption system?
Q5. What is the physical state of ammonia at condenser inlet in vapour absorption system?
Q6. What is the type of refrigeration system?

Q7. Which thermodynamic process the temperature is kept constant?
Q8. What is the latent heat of fusion of ice? / बर्फ के संलयन की गुप्त ऊष्मा क्या है?
Q9. What is the melting temperature of silver brazing rod?
Q10. What is the purpose of pressure relief valve in liquid gas refrigeration system? / तरल गैस प्रशीतन प्रणाली में दबाव राहत वाल्व का उद्देश्य क्या है?
Q11. Which components are connected by metering device in vapour compression cycle?
Q12. What is the effect of sub cooling the liquid in liquid line of vapour compression system? / वाष्प संपीड़न प्रणाली की तरल रेखा में तरल को उप-ठंडा करने का क्या प्रभाव होता है?
Q13. What is the name of component used in refrigerator?

Q14.What is the advantage of using flux in brazing?
Q15. Which system works on vapour compression cycle? / वाष्प संपीड़न चक्र पर कौन सी प्रणाली कार्य करती है?
Q16. What is the absolute zero temperature in degree centigrade?
Q17. Which condition is maintained for refrigerant in high side of vapour compression system?
Q18. Which instrument is used for measurement of speed? / गति मापने के लिए किस उपकरण का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
Q19 . What is the purpose of calorimeter? / कैलोरीमीटर का उद्देश्य क्या है?
Q20. What is the formula for COP? / COP का फार्मूला क्या है?
Q21. What is the part marked as X in vapour compression system?

Q22. Which instrument is used for measuring heat?
Q23. Which process of copper tubing is in progress?

Q24. What is the advantage of super heating the vapour in suction line? / सक्शन लाइन में वाष्प को अत्यधिक गर्म करने का क्या फायदा है?
Q25. How many processes do the vapour compression cycle work? / वाष्प संपीड़न चक्र कितनी प्रक्रियाओं पर काम करता है?
Q26. What is the purpose of accumulator in a refrigerator?
Q27. What is the boiling point of pure water in centigrade scale?
Q28. What is the rate of doing work?
Q29. What is the cause of poor condensation in refrigeration system? / प्रशीतन प्रणाली में खराब संघनन का क्या कारण है?
Q30. What is the reason for contraction of water while heating at 0°C temperature? / 0°C तापमान पर गर्म करने पर पानी के संकुचन का क्या कारण है?
Q31. Which factors produce work as per definition?
Q32. What is the part marked as X in tube bender?

Q33. What temperature does the surface of ocean become denser? / किस तापमान पर समुद्र की सतह घनी हो जाती है?
Q34. Which component controls the thermostat and defrost heater in frost free refrigerator?
Q35. What is the formula for mass flow rate of refrigerant? / रेफ्रिजरेंट की द्रव्यमान प्रवाह दर का सूत्र क्या है?
Q36. What is the absolute pressure of gas in a cylinder, if gauge reads 135.3 p.s.i? / एक सिलेंडर में गैस का पूर्ण दाब कितना होगा, यदि गेज 135.3 p.s.i पढ़ता है?
Q37. Which preventive measure should be done after pinching? / पिंचिंग के बाद कौन सा निवारक उपाय करना चाहिए?
Q38. What is the equivalent absolute scale for centigrade?
Q39. What happens when the water is cooled below 32°F? / क्या होता है जब पानी को 32°F से नीचे ठंडा किया जाता है?
Q40. What is the unit of heat in M.K.S system?
Q41. Which instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
Q42. Which compressor dome handles high pressure and high temperature vapour?
Q43. What is the energy of a body by virtue of its position?
Q44. What is the atmospheric pressure at sea level?
Q45. Which process of copper tube is in progress? / कॉपर ट्यूब की कौन सी प्रक्रिया प्रगति पर है?

Q46. What is the effect of increased discharge pressure in vapour Compression system? / वाष्प संपीड़न प्रणाली में बढ़े हुए डिस्चार्ज दबाव का क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है?
Q47. What is the effect of pressure of a gas when temperature is kept constant? / तापमान स्थिर रखने पर गैस के दबाव का क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है?
Q48. Which law is related to the constant PV at constant T?
Q49. What is the capacity of doing work?
Q50. What is the formula to find ton of refrigeration? / प्रशीतन का टन ज्ञात करने का सूत्र क्या है?
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician 1st Year Module 4 Basic Refrigeration
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